Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wedding Jitters

"My sister is damn awesome!"

I wanted to start writing some updates about what I have been up to recently but didn't know where to start. I told my sis about it and she asked me to start with that. So not shy. But I still love her ;)

Since I mentioned that life has been slow moving since coming back here, I have been religiously reading bridal magazines, wedding planning books, bridal forums, sourcing for the best dinner location, looking at possible future love nest, researching for stuff online, house-hunting and just chilling (yes I still have time for that...haha).

I admit that when I started doing all of those things in the first week, I was close to going crazy. I barely had time to discuss anything with Nic cause he worked late and I didn't want to be the one making all decisions. We were constantly snapping at each other almost everytime we met up or spoke over the phone.

Then that one day, while I was showering, I was thinking a whole lot. I seriously didn't want to go through hell planning a wedding. I want to remember it, enjoy it, love every moment of it. Its something I want to look back at with good memories. So we talked about it, we calmed down each other's nerves, and I've not looked back since. Now we are back to our sweet selves and taking it one thing at a time. Its not worth arguing over these things. Its just an event. Being married is more important.

But its weird that I keep getting bad dreams about our wedding day. I had to walk on cushions covered with blankets to get to the altar, I was bleached blonde and had super bad hair day which my sister just clipped at two sides with some kiddy hairclip, my dad gave me away wearing a singlet and towel wrapped over his waist. Then I had another dream today about my make up artist showing up late plus she was taking her own sweet time doing the hair, daddy John asked the guest to start with dinner first, and by the time my guests had finish and started driving off in their cars, I haven't even finished with make up yet. It was horrible! Thank goodness this is all a dream~ *sweats*

Maybe too much wedding / bridal research....time to chill now *skips off to lunch*


  1. hi dear neighbour wanna be ur friend.......catch me on

  2. OMG, I love weddings.
    I swear I read every magazine about weddings :)
    In my head I have planed the perfect wedding, but the right man is missing :)

    xo lala

  3. Life beyond: Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Lala: I'm sure you'll find your Mr Right soon. The thing about weddings - everything is so nice and you only have one wedding...difficult to make the choice...hehe :)
