Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Just came back from work today. Damn many ass people around...

I hate it when I'm put in a spot. You know, like those kind of situation when A tells you to do something, then B asks you to do something else? Then at the end of the day when things screws up, its all your fault cause you didn't follow somebody's instructions? Its irritating! Cause in the first place, listen to A and ignore B, you die....listen to B and ignore A also you die...*dies*

Okay. Don't talk about work already.

I am still p-i-s-s-e-d.

I hate it when people asks me something then when I come to a decision and tell a not-so-preferred-answer, they give me all sorts of shit. You ask me, "I'm going 'somewhere'tomorrow, do you want to come? Then maybe we can go for a k-session." I tell you, "Ermm...I don't think so, I've got some things I need to do tomorrow." Then you go, "You ah, forever like that one la. I think all cancerians are the same. Its your star sign. You all like to give all sorts of excuses and stay home one. Always moody one."


Haloo? I just said I have some things to do. You don't have to bring up my star sign or say that I am MOODY. I am sometimes moody, but not like all the time ok! Its a sensitive issue if you know my star sign so well. *huffs*

Make me feel as though I am so damn anti-social. Macam I stay home all the time and not happening at all. I'm sure we have days when we just prefer to stay away from crowds or other people. Doesn't mean that I have more of those kind of days makes me a moody individual. So there!

Good. Night.


  1. Anonymous1:44 AM

    aww...my poor drug addict had a bad day !! miss u !! kiss kiss !!

  2. :P

    I miss you tooOooo...

    But I miss baby charrise more! Hahaha..


  3. Anonymous7:47 PM

    of course wer !!
    she sooooo super cute...can't compare her wit me k !!
