Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fatt Mou...

It means mould (as in fungus) if you didn't know already.

I hate the word. And I hate its meaning.

I was happilly sitting on my chair using the laptop as usual two days ago, then when I decided to stand up, I accidently hit the underneath of my table. A normal reaction would be to rub the I almost did. Then I saw a patch of grey coloured stuff on my pyjamas. Then I looked under the table....and this is what I saw....

I was horrified, disgusted and almost wanted to puke. It was utterly gross! My table was moulding big time!! Damn....

And in case you can't see the fungus properly, here is another picture with flash. The white stuff is the utterly gross thingy....

Why la...tell me why all these things have to happen to me? I am like the cleanest of them all. I make sure my room is free of bugs and ants and creepy crawlies. But they still find a way to come and haunt me.



  1. even mold likes clean places :)

  2. is that how u spell the freaking fungus? M-O-L-D? Hhaaha...I got it wrong then..

    N u are wrong...they don't like clean places...they just like (to torture) me!

  3. yours is in Queen's English.

    Mine is Viva La America! :)

    But you're right, maybe they just like to torment the tormentable o_0'
