Friday, March 27, 2009

AHM: Another Happy Moment~

I was walking to the MRT station one day when I asked Nic if he remembered everything happy about us during these two years. We both have very weak memory, so sometimes, we need a little reminder.

For the last few months, I've been easily agitated and slightly temperamental. I tend to shut myself out from the world, go off track or even lose focus on things. I think at trying times like these, it helps when you think about happy things, happy moments, or how everything first started. It helps you remember how you feel in love, and how much you've grown in the relationship. It really makes you appreciate what you have, just that little more.

The following day after I had that conversation with Nic, he came up with a new term. AHM - A Happy Moment. He thought of something that I did or we did together and included it in our daily messages. So it became AHM - Another Happy Moment. I think it is one of the sweetest things that he did.

We constantly think about things that make us happy and it puts a smile on our faces. It helps cheer me up even when I'm having the lousiest moment. It makes me even happier when I'm already in a happy moment. Sometimes we even try to outdo one another by coming up with the best AHM. *smiles*

I think everyone should make it a habit to think about their own AHMs. It can even be one that you shared with your family or friends...

AHM: When we walked back to your place from Serangoon Gardens. It was far, but the weather was super.

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