Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy One Year~

Just got back from a Bali holiday. Beautiful trip.

One year ago, at this hour, I was getting ready to meet YOU.
One year ago, I had doubts about what I was getting myself into.
One year ago, we watched Babel and talked about food the whole night.
One year ago, I didn't know what to expect of our future together.
One year ago, I was wearing a 'rainbow tee' with faded 'baggy' jeans.
One year ago, I liked YOU.

Now, so many things have changed. So many things are different.

I'm gonna meet you for The Mist tonight.
We're gonna talk about everything under the sun over dinner.
I know for sure we have a healthy relationship.
I'm way past the 'rainbow tee' and 'baggy' jeans.
I'm confident we are going to work out our future together.
Now, I love YOU.

Its funny how things evolve into something when you put your heart to it. I remember walking behind YOU, trying to keep up and avoid the crowd so I don't lose sight of YOU. Today, YOU hold my hand and keep me on the safe side of the road so YOU don't lose me.

So sayang. *Smiles*

Happy one year baby...and many more to come~

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