Saturday, January 31, 2009

About Being Hopeful...

When I first created this blog, I thought for the longest time what I wanted to do with it. Should I write about traveling, should I write about food, should I write about all aspects of my life. Then I thought about how lonely I was, how negative I was at that point, and how badly I wanted a change. So I named this blog imhopeful. To remind me that I can be hopeful, I can hope for things, I can be positive.

I hung on tightly to those words. I am hopeful. Even more so recently.

I've been super emotional during the past weeks. Trying to fight all evil residing in my head. The things I actually thought about, I am so ashamed that it even crossed my mind. But that's what happens when you let your emotions control your being. Mind over body. Even when you think you have it mentally under control, it creeps into your subconscious and takes over your dreams.

Some shit happened. Cause and effect on my loved ones, including myself. It was one hell of a rollercoaster ride. Even all the CNY goodies couldn't console me.

I am glad we sat down and had a talk about it. I am glad someone sat me down and talked to me about it. I am glad everyone talked. I want to be hopeful with things again...

Thank YOU for giving me support all the time. I know I've been difficult. We've finally past a two year mark (following YOUR calculations). There will be many more to come...


  1. huey ming, are you okay? When are you coming back?

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I didn't do anything.

    You took charge and made a decision by yourself.

    Am so proud of you for being so strong.

    You have no idea how much Celine and Eric look up to you as a sister.

  3. Yee Mai: I'm ok. Just troubled from stuff. Haven't seen you in more than half a year!! I was back last weekend, but not enough time to meet up. Try and catch up next month :)

    anonymous: Its the support I get that helps me be strong. I couldn't have done it alone. Really.

    Centurionniess: Hey! How have u been? There was a lot going on for me for a period of time. No time to stop and smell the roses. Things are better now...I hope...
